Friday, March 26, 2010

Best Actress 2006: Helen Mirren in The Queen

Helen Mirren won every acting award available in the Best Actress category for her performance as Queen Elizabeth the 2nd in The Queen. Mirren really nails the spirit and personality of this woman. I don't know anything about the real Queen, but I can tell that she captured the way a person of royalty would act. Her best moments come when she is showing the Queen's vulnerability, The scene when she sees the Elk is a very beautiful moment and is executed very well. Her talk with M.r Blair at the end is also great and Mirren does an exceptional job of showing the internal struggle that the Queen is going through, either to deal with Princess Diana's death in a closed off way or to make it public and personal. She also adds a lot of wit and humor to the part which I enjoyed. But the problem I have is that The Queen is a film that is too small of a story. I mean, nothing much happens and it felt to me that this affects Mirren's performance. Meaning that there could have been more of an arc with her character then just that and I also thought it came across as mimicry at times, but not that much. So, a very good performance overall, which might not have deserved to win over four fantastic performances, but still nomination worthy and worth watching which gets


Unknown said...

That hunting scene. Can you explain its significance? I am out of theories.

What are we supposed to draw from her sight of the animal, and her eventual decision to murder it.

joe burns said...

She doesn't decide to murder it. Her husband and her grandchildren kill it after she sees it. The animal is supposed to represent Princess Diana and her trying to escape from the reporters, but dying in the end.

Unknown said...

right right. I saw this a long I had forgotten who really killed it.

Unknown said...

a long time ago and*