5. Samantha Morton in In America: Samantha Morton has some very good moments and is sometimes heartbreaking , but her role is very underwritten which really limits her ability to get an above-okay performance.

4. Keisha Castle-Hughes in Whale Rider: Keisha Castle-Hughes is very good for most of the film, and she's very real and convincing, but her approach to the character is wrong and she is very underwhelming at points.

3. Naomi Watts in 21 Gramms: Watts gives a great performance in the beginning, but loses her spark once the film starts becoming a mess, and starts to overract badly.

2. Diane Keaton in Something's Gotta Give: Diane Keaton's gives a luminous, wonderful portrayal which is totally enjoyable. Her chemistry with Jack Nicholson is superb.

1. Charlize Theron in Monster: Charlize Theron delivers a powerful, completely real performance which is haunting. An amazing achievement.

Well, of course, Charlize would win...a most logical choice...but it was interesting seeing how the rest would do.
Yeah, it was pretty obvious. Why didn't you like watts by the way?
But sometimes you say what you think of a nominee though!
As I expected, but as it should be.
Ha ha, that sounds so official! Yeah, Charlize ruled these nominees, besides Keaton.
Yay! A more than deserving winner!
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