Best Supporting Actor: Javier Bardem was the biggest lock that year, and everyone knew he'd win. The only possible spoiler was Hal Hoolbrook, due to sentiment, but I honestly feel that the Academy didn't like Into The Wild enough to give it an award. The other nominees never got enough buzz at all. I myself was dissapointed by Bardem's win, just because I hate sure-things, and because his performance didn't seem that great to me. It wasn't when I saw it two years later. Tom Wilikinson is my pick, but I should see/rewatch all of these nominees.
Best Supporting Actress: The years most unpredictable race, beating Best Actress. Everyone had a chance, except for Saorise Ronan.
At first, it was Ryan vs. Blanchett. Ryan had won all the critics awards, and received raves, but Cate had won her share of critics awards too, and the fact that she had convincingly pulled of playing Bob Dylan received great word of mouth. Cate had also won the globe too, which helped her chances. But on SAG night, when the Best Supporting Actress envelope was opened, neither of their names were in it. Ruby Dee won, for her short, yet memorable performance in American Gangster. People started to realize that she had quite a lot of sentiment,going for her, and the Academy easily could reward a veteran.
But what counted against all three of these women was that they're films weren't well received at all by the Academy. One's who was was Tilda Swinton. She had been a sure-bet for a nominee, yet no one ever really touted her as a winner. But she pulled a huge surprise by winning the BAFTA, and this led some pundits to predict her, spotting that Michael Clayton really didn't have much chance of a win anywhere else. This and the fact she gave a great performance tipped the odds in her favor, though in the actual voting, I bet it was a close race between her, Ryan, and Blanchett. I was rooting for Ronan at the time, and was totally shocked when Alan Arkin read Tilda's name I was predicting a win for Amy Ryan. When I saw Gone Baby Gone after the Oscars, I personally felt that Ryan's performance was more impressive, but Tilda is an extremely deserving winner. \
I loved her speech by the way!
Best Original Screenplay: Juno won, and it was a pretty sure thing. Everyone raved about the screenplay, plus it was the only way to honor Juno. It's only competition came from Michael Clayton, a terrific script, that in retrospect, probably should have won, though The Savages was great too. I was rooting for Juno at the time, and though I don't like it as much as I used to, I still think it's a worthy winner here. I felt the script did a great job of developing all the characters in the film and it was a pretty entertaining story . And some of that dialogue is really memorable.
Best Adapted Screenplay: No Country won here as well, this was an easy category to predict. Usually, though not always, the Best Picture winner picks up a Screenplay award. Diving Bell And The Butterfly and There Will be Blood were strong contenders too, but I suppose the academy really loved No Country.
My preference is Away From Her, a beautiful screenplay, and a great movie.
Overall, this was a good year for movies, not my favorite, but a good year none the less. But nearly all the winners didn't deserve it, at least to me. I personallly feel that 2006 and 2008 were better years for film, and I think I'll cover the 2008-2009 oscars next.
What werre your feelings/predictions then? What do you think now?
Best Supporting Actor: I think that Bardem is a deserving winner (though it would be hard to choose between him and Wilkinson). I saw Affleck three days ago, but I think it's a very overrated performance. He was great, but not that much.
Actress: I was happy about Tilda, but I also think that Ryan was better, though I am usually switching my vote between the two. She was so raw and very moving. I was rooting for her.
Screenplay: Juno's win is a joke. I'm shocked that it was nominated for any Oscars beside Page. Michael Clayton should have won, hands down.
I think that Adapted Screenplay should have gone to Atonement, but NCFOM is a fine pick. It's a really great movie.
About The King's Speech: Could you give a hint about Helena and Firth? Are they good or even deserving?
I;m surprised you didn't like Afleck, most people do. In fact, most say it's underrated, lol. I'l see when I see it.
I'm glad you like Amy.
I know most don't like Juno, but I felt the script was a worthy winner, though you're right, Michael Clayton should have won.
We have to disagree about Atonement. I felt the script was the main problem in the movie, at least in the 2nd half.
I won't say about Firth yet, but I will say that Helena really didn't do anything that special, but she is not bad at all.
Tilda is one the best winners in history, and one of the most shocking wins in recent years.
My ranking would go like...
I haven't seen Ronan yet so I can't really place her.
But Bardem's performance and film and the critical reception both got is absurd -- both are bland and so far from awards worthy.
What did you think of Ryan and Blanchett?
I agree, the movie was not great at all.
Ryan and Blanchett both give very vivid, actorly performances in two heavily showcased roles that are a critics wet dream. Ryan gives a detailed and textured performance that's moving as the character is hideos. I'm from Boston and let me tell you Ryan's trashy portrayal is dead on; from the accent to the laugh to the vocal nuances. A real meaty characterization and a very worthy nominee.
A few months ago I saw Cate's performance on YouTube and her work is simply thrilling and spectacular. She has late sixties Dylan down pat yet crafts a enigmatic and totally original character. Her actorly tricks are in full service to the role and technically is nothing short of fascinating. But I do however see what Stinkylulu in saying that the performance is "soulless" and that had Blanchett layered more emotional texture into the role the performance would have been flawless. Yet I feel that Cate's intellectually stimulating and technical performance almost manifests or transcends into some kind of palpable emotional reality that I felt subtle nuances of. I'm not sure how but it made the character human with the glimmer of soul others didn't completely find
It's interesting you're from boston! I've never been there. It would be cool to go there though..
Ryan is fantastic, she makes the role so believable and repulsive, yet likeable in a strange sort of way. She is the best thing in the movie.
I watched Cate on youtube as well. I found her pretty good, though it feels like an imitation, but that's really the point of her performance. You should see Ronan! She is excellent!
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